Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Convergence of SOA and Software as a Service

People might argue that SOA is just another hype in software development. That is definitely true for many applications with the SOA Sticker on the box. There is also some kind of misconception of the underlying implementation techniques. For many “experts” is the web service technology the one and only choice (I can’t agree on this!). But the concept of SOA is especially helpful in the phase of mapping use cases (and work flows) to implemented functionalities in scenarios where the interaction (between the functionalities) is changing constantly. This flexibility is one reason to make SOA happen (but, please, not for all types of software applications). In addition, I do see a great opportunity to match the business scenario of – Software as a service – with the idea of a Service Oriented Architecture. I’m pretty sure that such companies got this already on the agenda. Me too.

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